So I have to admit that there have been some days where I have struggled down here in South Carolina. I have struggled with missing home, having a purpose, not teaching, loneliness.... you name it, I have felt it. Moving to a new state is a BIG DEAL, especially if you have lived in the same city for 29 years.
Last week was a break through week(even though the Phillies lost) as I saw God answer many prayers. I got a call from a school, I had a fun lunch with my neighbors, a fun outing with my mother-in-law, awesome weekend with my husband, and just great stuff. It was just what I needed to boost my happiness. But I was also challenged by this as well. Why do I let circumstances in life determine how happy I am?? There are things to be thankful for every single day that we take for granted. I have really struggled with knowing my purpose down here. I went from a life of teaching at a job I absolutely adored, being a social butterfly. being surrounded by many friends and family to a life where I am happily married but in a new state, knowing only three people here, and a DRAMATIC change of pace in life.
I had a revelation last week: I have no excuse to sit around and feel sorry and sad and wallow in my so called "lonliness". I am not lonely. I have a wonderful husband, fantastic in-laws, and wonderful family and friends that check in on me. (Thanks mom and dad for the Skype call last night). And... I have my Lord and Savior who is always there to listen. And guess what else???? TO HAVE FRIENDS, YOU HAVE TO BE A FRIEND..... Reach out to people! It's a benefit to you and them.
If you are struggling with purpose in life. take encouragement from these verses. I love, love, love them!!
"Be joyful always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5: 16-18
So here is my challenge for you today. Answer these five questions. They are taken from a book that my mother- in- law gave me called "The 4:8 Principle" by Tommy Newberry.
-What are five things I am thankful for right now?
- What are five of my strengths or positive traits?
-What are five of my best achievements so far?
- Who are the five people who love me the most?
-What five things am I looking forward to in the next seven days?
Answer these questions, and then thank the Lord for your answers and the things he has blessed you with.