Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Pregnancy Journey... Part 3... This is Really Happening

We were on our way to John's sister's house for a Super Bowl/Birthday party.  I was feeling tired and I ended up sleeping the whole way to her house; about an hour and a half drive.  My back was hurting and I was having a sharp pain "down there".    As I woke up from the drive I said to John, "I just don't know what is wrong with me. I don't feel myself."  Ummm... first clue.

I told Amy about my "symptoms" and she immediately said, "Oh my're pregnant.  The same thing happened to me.  You should take a pregnancy test right now."

Whoa Amy, hold the phone.  I wasn't going to take a test right then when the whole family was about to show up!
 I had always imagined I would take a pregnancy test by myself and surprise John when he got home from work.  Well, I did take a pregnancy test the next day, and sure enough it was positive.  It was such a light line, that I took another one the following morning just to make sure.

My emotions were all over the place.
Shock, awe, fear, happiness, panic, endearment...I was going to be a mommy.
 I immediately starting thinking of every possible scenario that could go wrong.  I have a way of doing that.  Why do I do that?  Sigh...

I knew though, that the next nine months would be a test of my faith.  And it was. What an intricate process pregnancy is and how delicate a little life can be.  John and I committed my life and the baby's life to the Lord the day we had the positive pregnancy test.  Again, we had no idea how my body would react to pregnancy.  I had heard stories about women with arthritis who went into a kind of remission during pregnancy but others whose symptoms greatly increased to the point where the pain was unbearable. I felt like I was walking into the great unknown.  I was preparing my self for the worst.

Honestly, my biggest fear was my hips popping out.  I had a double hip replacement when I was 16.  I would always hear women complain about the hip pain during pregnancy.  Naturally, I was worried.  I'll share more on this aspect later. My other fears were preclampsia, blood clots, having to be on bed rest, being so sick I wouldn't be able to teach. my joints not holding up due to weight gain.   I literally had to surrender those fears to the Lord daily.  And he met me every.single.time.  The One who created my inmost being was teaching me so much through the one being created in my womb.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Problem:  Finding the perfect starburst mirror for above our console table.  Not willing to pay some of the outrageous prices @ the stores for one. 

Solution:  Make one myself.  
Thank you Pinterest.  
Thank you Debbie for pinning the pin.