Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My Glimpse of Heaven on January 7, 2015

I had a glimpse of heaven on January 7, 2015.  Not a "Heaven Is For Real" glimpse.  I already know heaven is real, because the Bible says so.  This was a "hang on to this hope" glimpse of heaven.

Aralyn and I had just returned from the outlets to exchange a few things we had got for John.  It was a FUHHHHHRRREEEEEZZZZING COLD, windy day.  One of those days where you're like, "Why in the world do I still live in a place that makes my face hurt!!!!"
Nonetheless, we ventured out because we love our daddy/husband and wanted him to be able to wear the shirts we had gotten him for Christmas.  I even splurged on Chick-Fil-A when we were out because I was craving their waffle fries.  That was a side note... I digress. 

When we got home, I immediately put on my slippers and we both got cozy. As I was walking into my kitchen I got this feeling over my whole body that stopped me  I will try to explain it to you as best I can, but I truly feel there aren't words to totally explain my feelings. Before I go on, for those of you who don't know, here is my life story in a nutshell:
                    - Born into a lovely family
                    -  Diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis( arthritis that old people get) at     3.5    
                       years of age
                    - Asked Jesus to be in my life at age 5
                    - Childhood filled with much pain due to JRA
                    - Had double hip replacement at the age of 16
                    - Later in life, some pain here and there... disease just took a toll on my body
                    -Taught first grade for 8 years
                    -Got married to John at age 29
                    - Had Aralyn at age 31

You need to know that my JRA took such a toll on my body, that my joints have permanent contractures and it is hard for me to move in certain ways to this very day.

So... this feeling that stopped me dead in my tracks.  For about ten minutes, and ten minutes only, my whole body felt so loose and fluid.  I was moving my legs like I hadn't in YEARS.... YEARS people. I literally felt like I could have ran around the block or jumped as high as the sky.
Aralyn was playing with some of her toys in the kitchen and I just got very excited and I remember saying out loud,

"Oh my goodness, Lord... is this the day that you are choosing to heal me?"
 (I must admit that I have slacked off on praying for healing, because I have gotten so use to my life with RA. But that's another story for another day.) 

Not wanting to waste any moment of this special feeling, the only natural thing to do is dance 
with your little baby girl. 
 And praise. 
And hoot and holler.  
We were dancing and marching all over the place beaming with smiles and adoration. 

I felt joyful, elated, confused, shocked. All with in the span of ten minutes. 
And then as soon as the feeling came, it went.  I could've been sad, but I was thankful.  You know why?  Because it gave me hope.  And that is why I share this story with you.  Not to boast, but only to encourage you if you feel you have no hope.  
My friends, there is a heaven. There is a hope, and hope has a name....


The book of Revelation in the twenty first chapter tells us: 

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.......  'I am making all things new!' " 

No more pain. No more crying. No more wishing for a different body.  I will have a new one. Hallelujah! 

Another portion of Scripture that gives me hope is Philippians 2:9-11:

"Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Do you know why this gives me hope???  Because it says that every knee is going to BOW before Jesus.  Guys, I can't kneel at this stage in my life.  My knees are shot. They don't bend.  They creak, they crack.  But on THAT day, I WILL kneel and bow.  I don't know how it's going to happen, but I will, because the Bible says so. 

Now excuse me, while I go dance in my kitchen.  

Sidenote:  If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior and would like to experience the hope I have talked about, all you have to do is pray and acknowledge that you are a sinner and that you need Jesus to be the Savior of your life.  See this link from a godly man, John Piper who I love learning from:


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What Fires Me Up..

I did an exercise the other day in my Lara Casey #powersheets packet called "What Fires Me Up".  The whole purpose is obviously to list the things that set your soul on fire with the intention of doing more of them.'s my list:
(These are in no particular order)

Drinking a yummy, hot beverage
Laughing so hard, tears come
Telling funny stories/Being told funny stories
Encouraging others- speaking truth into their hearts
Quality time with John and Aralyn
Being silly
Getting a good start to the morning
Making something thoughtful for someone else
Getting/Receiving mail
Reading the Bible
Road trips
Traveling to a new place
Visiting cute restaurants/coffee shops
Eating delicious food (especially if there is bacon in it)
"Clicking" with a stranger
Playing fun games
Pretty colors
Deep thinking
Being spontaneous
Reading something truly inspirational
Feeling the Holy Spirit move in my life
Being around a lot of hustle a bustle
Visiting large cities
Being around my family
Mini golfing
Pretty journals
Teaching- especially young kids
Being in natural sunlight
Compliments for a job well done
Being in a place that has really great ambiance

That's just a start.  What fires you up?  Go do it. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015... Let's Do This!

Well hello friends. To say that it's been awhile since I have posted is an understatement.  I'm not blaming it on anything in particular...ahem...having a baby.  The fact is, I just haven't made it a priority. My apologies. 

I love the start of a new year.  I absolutely yearn for the time to come to get a new calendar and fill it out.  I don't make resolutions but I do make goals.  This year I bought a pack of Lara Casey's Powersheets to help me organize my thoughts. 

 I've started filling them out and just really appreciate they way they are laid out. I find joy in filling out forms and seeing things on paper. (I know, I'm weird:)   Go to to learn more.  I do, however, believe they are sold out until the spring. I was only introduced to Lara Casey a week or two ago, but man, I wish we were friends:)  

I also started a Bible Study by Jennie Allen called "Restless".  

I was drawn to it because, well.... I feel very restless sometimes. I feel like my mind is just a pool of ideas at times. Ideas that sometimes seem too big to accomplish.  Ideas that I think are great but fear others might find silly.  I struggle with this feeling of restlessness because I never want it to be out of discontentment.  I truly believe God does give us a spirit of restlessness at times, because he is moving us towards something new.  Jennie says in her book:
We are designed to dream
We are called to dream
We must dream

I know the Lord has given me gifts and abilities that I MUST use.  I fear wasting my life. I also know there is a time and a season for things.  Right now my main priority is raising my little girl in the knowledge of the Lord and leading her the best I know how.  So... some of my dreams are solo involved that they might have to wait for a different season of life when I can truly commit time and energy to them. 

As I move into 2015, I believe this is going to be my theme verse. I've read it so many times, but it is just a great section of Scripture to memorize and really commit to.  I feel like it's almost like a checklist for life.
Hebrews 12:1-3
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great could of witnesses, 
Let us
 THROW OFF everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles,
and let us
RUN WITH PERSEVERANCE the race marked out for us. 
Let us 
FIX OUR EYES ON JESUS, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
CONSIDER HIM who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

I can make all the goals in the world, but if Jesus in not before them and in them, they mean nothing.