Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rediscovering Allentown

So I have lived in Allentown my entire life and consider myself a city girl.  I loved growing up in my parents' house off of Lehigh street, and now find myself living in one of the coolest apartments in Allentown (in my own humble opinion).  I will blog about my place at a later time.  Recently my boyfriend was visiting from South Carolina where I guess life just isn't as exciting as it is here in A-town. He kept saying, "This place is so happening".  I looked at him with a smug look on my face and said, "Really?"  I guess I have taken some of the wonderful places in Allentown for granted; the Rose Garden being one of them.  John and I went for a walk there the other day and let me tell you.... I hadn't been there in a few years and the city of Allentown has completely redone the place.  It is absolutely breathtaking.  The day we were there, there was a bridal party getting pictures done, which is a regular occurance at the Rose Garden.  My mom told me she used to have her mom drop her off at the Rose Garden on a Saturday and she would sit there for a long time and admire all the beautiful brides that would come through.  My mom and dad themselves had their wedding pictures done at the Rose Garden.  It really is just a peaceful place... I recommend going on a Sunday just around noontime..... complete peace.    There is always ample parking and the scenary is just breathtaking... roses, statues, stone structures, ponds, bridges... gorgeous.  I fell in love with this place so much that I recommended my mom, sister and I take pictures here for my dad for Father's day.  That is all he wanted... pictures of his girls.  We were planning on going down to Lehigh Parkway, but after visiting the Rose Garden, I knew we had to go there.  I encourage you to take a visit to the Rose Garden real soon and let me know what you think.  Are there any place in Allentown or where you live that you have rediscovered? Tell me...

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